Our process
Marketing is not rocket science.
But It Does Take A Lot Of Know-How. While we're not splitting the atom, we do have a mighty responsibility to our clients. We take that responsibility with great seriousness, and in this regard, we utilize a proven, 5-step process in our advertising, public relations, and marketing communications programs.
Conduct research to build a thorough understanding of clients' audiences. This means understanding their demographic characteristics; cultural diversity; perceptions about the client; the media they use and how they use them, including traditional media as well as new and evolving ones, like social media and mobile platforms; and influences that shape their decision making, attitudes, and behavior. It also requires understanding the competition, competitive forces, and other marketplace dynamics.
Identify goals, both broad, strategic program goals as well as specific business goals for measuring effectiveness.
Branding to differentiate our clients and advance their identity and unique presence in the marketplace. We apply consistency and congruence at every turn – across all communications and with all market segments, and we fiercely protect our clients' brands from any lack of consistency or any messaging that can tarnish their image.
Develop an integrated communications action plan using the right mix of tactics, channels, and messaging that will produce desired results – as individual tactics and together as a campaign.
Implement the action plan and monitor results. We execute the program and continually measure results. Then, based on those results, and in collaboration with our clients, we adjust the program to enhance its effectiveness.